Double Helix Society
Recognizing our faithful investors
With gratitude for their fervent commitment to our common cause, we are honored to recognize these loyal leadership-level investors in the work of the Downtown Natchez Alliance (DNA) as members of the Downtown Natchez Double Helix Society.
2024 – 2025
Double Helix Society Members
Plan & Build
The Eola Hotel
Tammy and
Wes Pack / Absolute Charm
Susan &
Paul Meng
Triple S
DNA is not just the acronym for the Downtown Natchez Alliance, it symbolizes the truism that Downtown Natchez contains the DNA, or the code, to our unique community.
Scientifically, DNA is the code that determines our very being. It is hereditary, passing from parent to child, and generation to generation. Its structure forms a double helix, two elegantly twisted strands that allow genetic information to be stored, replicated, and passed on.
Likewise, our downtown reflects who we are as a people, represents our history, and influences our future. This is why the double helix is embedded in our organization’s logo.
As members of the Double Helix Society, your annual gift of $2,500 or more to the Downtown Natchez Alliance contributes to downtown’s economic success today and the sustainability of our community for generations to come.
In essence, your support will literally help determine the future of Natchez. Let’s make it great!
Thank You.