DNA’s Destination Downtown
Downtown Real Estate Game Plan

Thursday, May 15, 2025

“Downtown Living”

Real Estate Showcase,  Community Visioning Walking Tour, and Possibilities Presentation

In Downtown Natchez, as in other communities nationwide, property owners may want to redevelop, but they may not know how to evaluate the best end-use of their property in the context of their market. This year, the focus is living in Downtown Natchez.  We’ll be touring lofts and apartments in the Downtown area and work on ways to get the message out for rentors looking for living spaces.

DNA’s Destination Downtown: Real Estate Game Plan will aid owners, developers, investors, and potential business owners in that process. Ultimately, DNA will assist owners and developers in constructing pro forma statements to help them make sound development decisions.

Special Thank You to our Participating Lenders and Realtors!

2025 Sponsors TBD