Community Partners
The vital work of making downtown Natchez into a vibrant commercial and cultural district is a collaborative effort. By working together and building broader connections with Local businesses, civic organizations, groups, non-profits, and individuals, DNA is able to make an impact and maximize resources for the benefit of both downtown Natchez and the greater Miss-Lou / Adams County area.
F.O.R. Natchez: Friends Of The Riverfront
Incorporated in 2007, This non-profit’s mission is to promote the responsible economic development of the Historic Natchez Bluff and Riverfront as a natural wonder and a national treasure, preserving its unique historic, natural and aesthetic character for future generations to enjoy.
F.O.R Natchez is broad based community organization concerned with quality of life and long-term economic opportunity for all citizens of Natchez and is a voice for the responsible economic development of the historic Natchez Bluff, the Riverfront, the Broadway Street Corridor and the adjacent Historic Districts.
The Historic City of Natchez
Mayor Dan M. Gibson, Natchez City Hall and The Natchez Board of Aldermen
Natchez City Hall houses the offices of the Mayor, as well as the Planning, City Clerk, and Inspection Departments, in addition to hosting meeting with the City’s Board of Aldermen. Call the main city hall number to reach any of the other city government offices or to find out how to obtain business and event permits, or visit their website at https://natchez.ms.us.
Adams County Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of Adams County. One Supervisor is elected from each of the five districts in the county to serve a four-year term. The Board is responsible for adopting an annual budget, establishing the annual property tax rate, setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the county’s growth and development, and carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi state statutes. The Board appoints the County Administrator to manage the daily operations of the county.
Zion Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Zion Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, located at Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson Streets, was built in 1858 as Second Presbyterian Church, before it was sold to the AME church in 1866. Hiram R. Revels became the first minister and he later went on to become the first black man to serve in either house of the U.S. Congress.
DNA works closely with the congregation of Zion Chapel AME for the development of Revels Plaza as an anchor to the MLK Triangle District.
Natchez, Inc. Economic Development For Natchez & Adams County
and Natchez N.O.W.
Natchez, Inc. is a dynamic organization in the economic development of Natchez, Vidalia and Adams County. Their primary responsibilities are the recruitment, retention and expansion of business in the Natchez, Vidalia, and Adams County area. Their basic objective is to strengthen the region through economic and community development initiatives with emphasis on creating new jobs.
Natchez NOW is an innovative way for the private business sector to let their voices be heard throughout the community and provide accountability to public officials. It is also the private business funding arm for Natchez, Inc. Investment in Natchez NOW illustrates support for the economic development entity for Natchez and Adams County.
Visit Natchez
Natchez Convention Promotion Commission (NCPC)
Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee (TMAC)
The Natchez Convention Promotion Commission, doing business as Visit Natchez, has been the leader of tourism in Natchez as the official destination marketing organization since 1973. Visit Natchez is a state legislated organization, structured by Mississippi Senate Bill 3191. Senate Bill 3191 defines the purpose of Visit Natchez to fund a marketing/advertising promotion plan to effectively increase overnight visitation and tourism in the city of Natchez.
The mission of the NCPC and Visit Natchez as the city’s official destination marketing organization is to increase the economic impact of tourism in Natchez by developing and promoting the city to individual and group visitors.
They aim to “be the preeminent destination in the South for immersive cultural heritage, live music, social events, film tourism and exciting outdoor recreation.”
Visit Natchez continues to build a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion and are dedicated to creating opportunities for all in our community and our visitors to join in the Natchez Experience.
BlackNatchez.org is committed to promoting and uplifting African-American culture in Southwest, Mississippi. We promote love, collaboration, and understanding of all people, with specific emphasis on Black achievement, Black history, and black empowerment.
Founded in June 2021 in response to the growing need to preserve and share the culture and history of African-Americans in Southwest Mississippi, with particular interest in Natchez, BlackNatchez.org works toward the attainment of these objectives through community development, educational programs, tourism and the preservation of historic sites and points of interest. They promote love, collaboration, and understanding of ALL people, with specific emphasis on Black achievement, Black history, and Black empowerment. BlackNatchez.org relys upon support from individuals, charitable foundations, government grants and corporations to fund our cultural programs and community redevelopment projects
Currently, they are creating a full & comprehensive list of local Black businesses and organizations in Natchez and Southwest Mississippi. You can find out how to add your business on their website.
Natchez-Adams County Chamber of Commerce
The mission of the Natchez-Adams County Chamber of Commerce is to be “the positive, independent, voice for business.” They serve not only as a business recruiter, promoter, and good will ambassadors of businesses in Natchez, but also as a spokesperson in local, state, and national affairs. They are one of the longest running organizations in Natchez, being founded in June of 1908.
In addition to their business directory and member services, they also host a wide variety of events for members to network, learn more about the chamber and have fun.
The Natchez Convention Center
Located in the heart of the historic downtown district, the Natchez Convention Center and its sister complexes are steps from exceptional accommodations, fine dining, historic attractions and some of the best antique shops in the South.
The Natchez Convention Center serves as home-base for for event and boasts 32,000 square feet of state-of-the-art meeting/exhibit space and is supported by the adjacent Community Center and 119-room host hotel, Natchez Grand Hotel. With the Center located a short block from the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River, Natchez has the ambience, charm and amenities to draw a crowd to any event.
Natchez Association For The Preservation Of Afro-American Culture (NAPAC) & The Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture
The Natchez Association for the Preservation of Afro-American Culture (NAPAC) was created in 1990 to research, collect, exhibit, interpret and preserve cultural and historical contributions of Afro-Americans in the growth of Natchez and the nation.
NAPAC was founded by Mary Lee Davis-Toles, Patricia A Washington, Josie Gilchrist-Camper, Flora Terrell, and Mary White after many years of groundwork developing the concept of preserving Natchez Afro American history and culture.
One of the main on-going projects of NAPAC is the Museum of African-American Culture and History, which was established in May of 1991. Located at 100 Main Street, the Museum’s exhibits include: The tragic Rhythm Nightclub fire, information on the Forks of the Road, which was the second largest slave market in the South, and some of the literary works of critically acclaimed author Richard Nathaniel Wright, a Natchez native.
Natchez Department of Parks & Recreation
The vision of the Natchez Department of Parks and Recreation is about families, it’s about neighborhoods and homes, it’s about economic impact, it’s about giving those we serve an opportunity to become more than they are – physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s more than parks! It’s about lifestyle, art, ballparks, environment, encouragement, and wellness. It is about quality of life.
You can find out more on the City of Natchez website and see a full list of parks and facilities managed and maintained by Parks & Rec at https://www.natchez.ms.us/136/Parks-Recreation.
Community Alliance of Natchez-Adams County
Established in 2002, the Community Alliance of Natchez-Adams County is a non-profit that seeks to brings together community leaders, organizations both public and private, and individuals to yield results for ongoing projects while fostering a positive, diverse environment to enhance business and Community Development.
Projects under the Community Alliance fundraising umbrella include fundraising efforts for the first Dog Park in Natchez, upgrades to the Multi-Use Trails at Duncan Park, and the newly established Disc Golf Course.
Christmas In Natchez
Christmas in Natchez was formed in 2019 and later claimed 501(c)3 non-profit status under the Community Alliance. The month long event is a celebration of community and inclusion with a focus on Christmas, while also representing Kwanzaa and Hanukkah with dedicated displays. Through the years, the Christmas in Natchez committee has raised funds and initiated various projects including: Exterior lighting and garlands, Lights and garlands for the bluff, and events such as the lighting of a 34 foot tree on Main Street, lights and events in Memorial Park, choral music and singing, food trucks, rides for the kids, and appearances by Santa Claus.
Historic Natchez Foundation
Founded in 1974, the Historic Natchez Foundation (HNF) has worked to preserve and tell the story of Natchez while stimulating development through the rehabilitation of historic properties.
During their past 50 years, HNF has listed over 1,000 historic buildings in the National Register of Historic Places, of which the listing is a prerequisite for federal and state grant funding and tax credits for rehabilitating historic buildings. They have provided technical assistance to several hundred property owners and filed successful applications for grant and/or tax credit funding for almost two hundred projects.
In addition, the HNF has optioned or acquired more than fifty historic properties that would otherwise been demolished. The Foundation only acquires properties unlikely to be preserved by private enterprise.
Keep Natchez Beautiful
As the official Natchez affiliate of Keep Mississippi Beautiful, Keep Natchez Beautiful works to not only inspire and educate the citizens of Natchez to improve, beautify the community environment, and to also take action to impact it everyday.
They work in the community with volunteers to pickup litter, plant wildflowers, and encourage residents to follow city mandated ordinances for trash and debris pickup.
Natchez Department of workforce development
Operating as a workforce development catalyst in the greater Natchez-Adams area, the Natchez Department of Workforce Development strives to enhances economic landscape and quality of job opportunities throughout under-served Southwest Mississippi.
Understanding that quality, family sustaining jobs with good pay and benefits are critical to bringing people out of poverty, back into the workforce, and into the middle classy, the goal of Natchez Workforce Development is to set a path for workers to attain skills appropriate for today’s workforce requirements.
Their projects are tailored to the demand of both employer and workers, and designed to yield documented results while bolstering inclusion and self-sufficiency.
Natchez Board of Realtors
The mission of the Natchez Board of REALTORS® is to advocate for its members and to protect the rights of property owners and buyers; to adhere to the REALTOR® Code of Ethics; to provide members with the resources, programs and services necessary to conduct a professional and successful business; to promote a positive REALTOR® image within the community.