The Downtown Natchez Alliance, as part of the 4th Annual Natchez Crepe Myrtle Festival, announced the winners of the 1st Annual Sallie Junkin Ballad “Keep Natchez Blooming” Award. The presentation was part of the festival opening bash at Locust Alley on Friday, July 8, 2022 at 5:30pm.
This year, the award was presented to Marcia McCullough of Garden Lovers of Natchez, for the Downtown Natchez Hanging Flower Baskets Project, and to Rita Tebbetts and Monroe Sago, Adams County Master Gardeners for their efforts on Crepe Myrtle Bark Scale Treatment and Education.
The Winners
Presentation on Crepe Myrtle Scale Blight
Also at the event, award winners and Adams County Master Gardeners Rita Tebbets and Monroe Sago, had a presentation for the ongoing diagnosis, treatment, and care of Crepe Myrtle Scale Blight in Natchez.
Farmers Market Kids Activities
The Natchez Crepe Myrtle Festival tent at the Natchez Farmers Markets has more information on this year’s festival, in addition to children’s activities that should be fun for all!
Thanks to the DNA volunteers who are manning our tent: Norma West, Michael Pace, Taylor and Andi Cooley.